Friday, March 28, 2008

Strangely Attractive

There are certain things in life that I am strangely attracted to, and it occurred to me that a compilation of these oddities might be interesting(to me, at least).

Fonts. Some pay no attention to the selection of fonts, but I love 'em. My current favorite is one from my Print Shop Scrapbooking program called CK Journaling. Sydney recently showed me how to download famous fonts from, and that's totally cool. When I design marketing materials for my business, I have been known to spend hours selecting the perfect font. My business partner doesn't necessarily get it, buy I'm glad she loves me in spite of it.

Goofy. Wendi and I took the girls to Disneyworld when they were really little. At a Character breakfast, we were flanked by Minnie Mouse, Chip-n-Dale and the Goofy. Wendi and I both found ourselves strangely swooning over Goofy. Seriously. I'm not sure if the persona of the guy in the costume was that magnetic or it was just the costume, but ever since then, I blush a little when I see Goofy. ;)

The Posh Bob , aka the Pob. Okay, maybe not so strange to be attracted to this hairstyle, considering 80% of the residents of my township are wearing it, but I still am. I'm having an internal fight with myself not to get this haircut, but I like it so much. The problem I have with the do is that it's sooooo trendy. What looks completely chic today, will look completely dated in about 10 minutes. And it's sooooo popular. That's the other problem. I'm not one to go along with any crowd, and this particular style is definitely goes along with the crowd.

Good-N-Plenty Candy -

There's nothing like the crack of the sweet candy shell that exposes the chewy black licorice cylinder inside. I enjoy the Good-N-Plenty very much.

Swirl Tap-n-Buff - I started using Bare Minerals powder make-up about two years ago, and I still love it. It's the best.

Ugg Boots - I wouldn't let my children have them, cause they're expensive, trendy and unnecessary, but, whoops, I bought them for myself, and wow, I gotta admit, their awesome. Warm, comfy, and no socks necessary. I never want to take them off.

General Hospital - S
tarted watching at age 14, when Laura first met Scotty and during the virus epidemic that was spread by Jeremy Logan (my friend Irisa just read this and laughed out loud). I still watch, almost every night at 10 on Soapnet, and I'll always love it.

Scrabble - its Scrabulous.

Hair and Make-up Products - I can't help it. When I'm in the store and I see a product that promises shiny hair, or smooth, younger looking skin I'm a complete sucker.

Craft Supplies - I have a Craft Room that is filled with cool supplies. When I walk into a Craft Store I go into a daze...I just love looking at the glue and the paint and the scrapbooking paper. Gregg would rather stick needles in his eyes.

Matching Socks - It seems like we have tons of unmatched pairs of socks, and I've been holding on to them for years. Cause nothings as good as matching up a pair.

Drug store Eyeglasses - Thank goodness for these cheap convenient sight enhancers...cause I lose them all the time.

The Obituary Section - I remember my mom reading it every morning, and I thought that was so weird. Now...I read it too. I guess that comes with age.

Other Random Stuff I love:

Kathy Griffin
Le Mystere Bra
Baby Powder
Bounty Paper Towels (accept no substitute)
Chris Cuomo on Good Morning America
Project Runway
Valerie Bertanelli


Email Marketing Yenta said...

Goofy is hot.
Le Mystere bras are not that great
Drug store eyeg glasses gave me horrible headaches...SEE YOUR DOC..maybe that is why you get headaches
Chris Cuomo is hot
You look like Valerie in a way.

Melissa said...

I have to admit that I do this Ugg boots are cute. But not really the bob. I feel kind of lame for not liking it. But I just havent really fallen in love with it :)

Amber said...

Hey Lori! What a great entry! I hope your sister is proud. I just had to comment and say that you totally need to get the Pob!! If you really like it then go for it! Live in the moment! Even if the style will be out by next month, you can just switch styles! That is the great thing about hair…it always grows back. I am currently growing mine out to donate it to the company that makes wigs for cancer patients. Let me tell you I have had my eye on the Pob for months! I totally want to get something similar to it!

I think your next post should be to elaborate on the mini list of other random stuff you love. :-)