Monday, March 3, 2008

Lost Dog, Part Deux

Roxy Cleopatra (a whole lot of terrier), ran away again last night. Her owners reported that she escaped out of the back door at approximately 8:30 pm Sunday evening. Though spotted numerous times by her owners, running through neighbors yards, barking at stray cats and causing a scene in the neighborhood, she eluded capture.

Freddie Finkel, her common law spouse, a fat bichon frise, kept watch at the back window in hopes she might return. He spent a good part of the evening whimpering, and if he could speak, he would have said, "Roxy, come back, I need you baby".

Prayers were said by the children of the family. Hayley, the oldest, admitted that, even though she didn't pay a lot of attention to Roxy, she would really miss her if she didn't come back. Hayley and Sydney both agreed that the family should probably get another dog, but not a Cairn Terrier, next time.

Her owner, Gregg, tried to catch her in the neighbor's yard, but felt a little like peeping tom walking around other people properties at two o'clock in the morning. Instead he came in the house, and a decision was made to keep the screen porch door open and just wait.

At 5:02 am, Lori awoke, and decided to check the screened in porch, though groggy, she spotted the dog. Roxy was sleeping soundly on one of the cushioned patio chairs.

"All I kept thinking was, she knows where she lives!"

The family went back to sleep, feeling relieved and grateful that their prayers were answered.


Email Marketing Yenta said...

I can only imagine what a certain person in our family is thinking right now. That dog is truly something!

Daniella said...

I am so glad she found her way back home.

Anonymous said...

Now that Roxy is home, you have no excuse not to call your doctor.