Monday, March 10, 2008


We made it, and it was spectacular. I want to post photos and the like, but for right now, I am posting the speech I made to the girls at the ceremony. Enjoy :)

When Hayley was born and the doctor said, “it’s a girl”, I was overjoyed. Not only was she healthy and beautiful, but she was a girl!! And truth be told, I really wanted a girl. So after giving birth to my first girl, I thought, that would be enough girls for me. But when I was expecting Sydney, I hoped for another girl even more. Why? Because Hayley had to have a sister. Having my own sister, I know in my heart how extraordinary that bond can be. So, I wished for that kind of relationship for my own daughters. As we know, we were blessed with out beautiful, healthy Sydney, and I have spent years trying to figure out, how I could have been so completely blessed.

Having two girls so close in age comes with a lot of challenges. Naturally,

everybody had advice about raising them properly. Never compare the two girls, they say, let them be individuals. So I have been careful never to compare one girl to the other, for fear that I might somehow traumatize their psyche.

So, here I am in front of everybody we know, and I am giving a speech about the wonders of my girls. How on earth can I avoid the inevitable comparisons?

I’ve considered this conundrum, and I gave thought to the Torah portion which Hayley and Sydney chanted so beautifully. Their portion describes the breastplate made for the high priest. The breastplate is composed of 12 gemstones set in gold, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Each stone is beautiful, but if we were to describe them, they can’t really be compared. They are too individual, too unique to possibly measure against each other. These stones, like my daughters can simply be appreciated for their own very unique attributes.

Hayley, your sense of determination will never cease to amaze me. As a baby, you were pretty fussy, and for a new mom, it was challenging. One day, in a mommy baby class, while all the other baby’s sat placidly on their blankets you were restless and unhappy. The leader of our group sought me out to comfort me. I know this is hard, she told me, but don’t worry, that baby is going to be the head cheerleader. She’s going to know what she wants, and know exactly how to get it. Boy, was She was ever right..

As a very little girl, you practiced for an inordinate amoun of time, just to master monkey bars, cartwheels, swimming… whatever the newest challenge, you faced it head on. Athletic and fearless, you are still willing to try anything, whether it’s a roller coaster, skiing or sushi. You recently decided you wanted to play piano, and even though you haven’t taken a lesson since you were six years old, you play. You hear a song, you think, “I can do that”, and then somehow, you figure out how to play it perfectly. This is a perfect illustration of your determination.

The road to this day has not been easy for you. But here you are, you persevered. We are so proud of you.

Sydney, the first thing I think with you, is your heart. When you were a baby, I wrote in your baby book, that you when you look at me, somehow I feel like you “get it”. That you understand what I mean, or need, or want. You still possess that kind of wisdom. You are an inherently empathetic person. You have the unique ability to figure out exactly what makes people tick, and then you are able to use that knowledge to get along with everyone that knows you. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and when something isn’t right, you are not afraid to voice your opinion. Graceful in your manner, naturally charismatic, you like to play by the rules. There is a quote posted in your school, that says something like, “Having Character is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching” I always thought that was a beautiful description of… you.

And as different as you both are, there are characteristics, you share. You are both talented writers, and I hope you both embrace that gift as you grow up. Enthusiastic members of your school’s cheer squad, successful students, summer camp enthusiasts, text messaging experts. You are both creative, silly and loving. You are both adored by your family and friends but, most especially, by our littlest sister, Addison.

After this service, we are all going to leave the temple, and go to a party. Now, I’m sure we going to have a wonderful time, celebrating today, but I want you to know, that the party is not what this day is about. The party is a by-product of your journey. It’s how we celebrate your accomplishments, but the party is but a fleeting moment in your life. What we hope you remember most is right now, because this IS what today is about.

Remember the faces of your family and friends, as they share this moment with you. You are blessed to have people in your life that love you and care for you.

Remember the journey. Remember all the wonderful mitzvoth you did, and remember how you learned that doing something nice for others feels twice as good as doing something for yourself.

Remember how it feels to have your sister standing beside you, how comforting you two can be to one another. You will no doubt share many more milestones together. Some will be joyful, and inevitably, some moments will be sorrowful. Remember how blessed you are to have each other, (and Addison, too). You will be there to comfort one another for your whole life.

Finally, remember how it felt when you said your final blessing. Remember how good it felt to accomplish something that seemed insurmountable. There will be many other challenges you will face in your life, some even harder than today. But now you really understand that you really can do ANYTHING in life you set your mind to.

It may feel like you are finally done, but don’t be mistaken, this is really just the end of one big chapter. And how proud we are to be standing here with you as you begin the next chapter in your life.

May you always feel as loved as you are right now.


Email Marketing Yenta said...

It was amazing!!!

Daniella said...

Beautiful Lori - I'm crying as I read your post. Can't wait to see pictures.

Susan said...

I'm sitting here with tears dripping onto my keyboard, too....what an incredibly beautiful, BEAUTIFUL speech!!!