Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Moving up in the Blog World

Now that the BM is over *that's bat mitzvah, not bowel movement, silly....I have to start focusing on my other job...running the art program at an overnight camp. This is a pretty time consuming task, year-round, as I get to plan a summers worth of programming for our campers.

I've been toying with the idea of a "Crafty Blog" . There are so many out there, but this one is specifically for kid crafts tailored for a group situation. We offer Arts and Crafts, Ceramics, Sewing, Jewelry, Cooking, Paper Crafting, Wood working and Rocketry, and there should be a little of everything included.

Though these are for my camp program, Girl Scout Troops, Birthday Parties Hosts, Room Parents might find some interesting ideas.

So, I hope you'll stop by, I'll be updating very frequently!

The Camp Art Lady (aka Everything's Better with Glitter)

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