Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tired Stream of Consciousness

Soooo tired. All done. Can't forget to pick up my earrings tomorrow. I know I'm going to forget. Can't believe people are actually traveling here. Chicago, Georgia, California, Maryland, North Jersey, Narberth, Mt. Laurel. Can't believe people are actually buying outfits to wear. Everyone I spoke to told me how they bought a new outfit. I feel a little bad about that.

I have to speak in front of everyone, and it's just hitting me that I'm REALLY nervous. Like REALLY nervous. I have a lot to say, but maybe Wendi could pretend she's me and read it :)

Lost weight. Tee hee. That's what nerves will do. Put on my skirt for Friday night services, and it was WAY too big. Not to worry, I had an alternate plan.

Really excited to see everyone we know (almost) in one room.
Really excited to see my kids have fun.
Really excited to see Addison in her dress, which is so gorgeous, I can't stand it.

Gregg just found some baby wipes. Ooops, almost forgot we have to drop off the dogs. I hope no one calls last minute and can't come. I hope I don't forget the dvd montage, I worked my too-kie off on it.

My toe hurts. Why? (say it like Nancy Kerrigan in 1994) WHHHHHY? WHHHHHYYYY?

My friend is a doctor (Judy P.) and she said I should just take a lot of pain killers and suck it up. Sounds good to me.

Gregg just said some random hebrew words. LOLOLOL.


1 comment:

Susan said...

So, did your girls enjoy "becoming women" today????? (That's the last time you'll wanna hear THAT til Addie's Bat Mitzvah!)

Can't wait to hear all about it!

Mazel Tov!!!!!!!
