Saturday, May 12, 2007

L stands for Loser

Okay, we have established that Wendi is the only reason for me to do this blog. She is my total obsession, clearly. In addition I'm totally spending too much time on this, BLOGTHINGS website that gives little test that tell me all about myself (by the way, according to one test I took, I am a genius in verbal and mathematical ability, but below average in logic...lololol.)

So, anyway, (and Wendi is maybe the only human who will appreciate this), I took a test about where I should travel, and this was my answer....

You Should Travel to China

China can satisfy your craving for many travel opportunities in one trip.

You can hang out in modern Shanghai, walk along the great wall, or visit sacred mountains.


Email Marketing Yenta said...

Oh my god! Well with the wait time actually might not be planning a bat mitzvah or at camp......maybe you should! And, I am going to take these tests. I love your blog!

Email Marketing Yenta said...

PS I was most like Carrie!