Saturday, February 9, 2008

This Little Piggy Went to Market

Today started out pretty good. All three girls went to school, no one overslept, I got a shower and I was out of the house early to run errands.

I made a $59. purchase at Staples, but only paid $20. thanks to coupons. Hooray for me!

I went to a different supermarket today, just to add some variety to my routine (which sometimes feels so stale I want to scream!!), and was so glad I did. I guess I didn't realize how overpriced my normal stomping ground can be.

I picked up my bat mitzvah shoes from the shoe store, they have been dyed to match my dress.

So I'm checking things off my list, one by one.

Come home, unload groceries, and as I'm stuffing the pantry with jars of spaghetti sauce, (purchased on SALE...10 for $10.00!), I made the mistake of over stuffing the pantry...and the jar flew out, and landed on my big toe. You know, the Little Piggy that went to Market.

Bottom line, I broke my toe!

I'm on crutches now, which totally sucks. And all I keep thinking about is whether or not I'll be healed by the Bat Mitzvah. (How attractive my dress will look with crutches and my big old Fred Flintstone foot hanging out...oy!)

I still can not believe this!!!


KJ said...

omg! lori!!! you poor thing! please rest ... i am sure you will be fine by the bat mitzvah - but what unnecessary stress. oy vey!

Daniella said...

sorry about your toe!

Email Marketing Yenta said...

i love that big ff toe..i'm sorry..

Susan said...

Aww, man!

Fred Flintstone meets Quasimodo. And still, I'll bet you can pull it off with panache. (Hint: work the cleavage, and no one will notice the foot!)

Yikes. So sorry.

Anonymous said...

You are so cute with a boot or without. So sorry to hear about your captain. Don't worry things have a way of working out for you.