Wednesday, January 2, 2008


On the topic of New Years Resolutions (or Revolutions as so eloquently stated by Addison and Wendi), I thought I might reflect upon a few of my own...quickly, cause I have to get to the supermarket, make 3 doctor/orthodontist appointment, return 2 e-mails, fold the laundry, empty the trash, continue making Bat Mitzvah Centerpieces, start on the slide show for the bat mitzvah, help the girls complete their mitzvah projects, sign my contract for camp, get together with my friend stacey for the first time in a year, explain to her why its been a year, design place cards that look like back-stage passes, stuff invitation envelopes, buy stamps for the invitations, finalize my guest list, get the dogs in the house, get dinner started, call my business partner, get two Snuggly events started, organize Sydney's closet, cause she won't do it herself, spray paint the curly ting ting...

Okay I only have time for one resolution.

I resolve to get myself better organized. So I can do all I have to do with ease and fluidity. So I don't loose my cell phone or car keys just as I walk out the door. So I don't feel the need to agonize over ever decision, even the little ones. I will make lists, keep calendars, and not lose time doing stupid things. Speaking of which, I think I'm losing a little time right now.

Gotta go live my life.



Email Marketing Yenta said...

...sounds good, add one more to the list....update A is for Addison

KJ said...

Yes! Please update A is for Addison - one of my favorite blogs! Happy New Year!