Thursday, January 17, 2008

The A to Zed of Me...

I have a confession. I have a couple blogs that I stalk. I found this one blog, of this totally adorable woman in california. i found her after my doc found a thyroid nodule last year. I panicked a little (okay, a little more than a little) and started to do the "diagnose myself on the internet thing". (COME ON, ADMIT IT, YOU'VE DONE IT TOO). Anyway, I found Amber's blog, after she had just been diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Of course, I had to check in every day to see how she was doing. (She's doing fine, by the way)

Anyway, she has a great sense of humor, and, though I no longer check in with her every day, I do go on now and then, just to get an update.

Today, she had a cool post. The A to Zed of me. And for lack of anything all that interesting to write about, I thought I would do the same thing.

1. A is for age?
43 (hanging in for another couple of weeks)

2. B is for beer of choice?
Don't really drink beer. B is for boring

3. C is for career right now?
Camp Art Director, Bloggy Stay at Home Mom, Party Planner (one party only), Face Painter, Snuggly Seller

4. D is for your dog's name?
Roxy Cleopatra Clark, and Freddie Finkel Clark

5. E is for essential item you use everyday?
Bare Minerals foundation

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment?
Project Runway, American Idol

7. G is for favorite game

8. H is for home town?
Now or where I grew up?

9. I is for instruments you played?
Piano and for a year, trumpet

10. J is for favorite juice?

11. K is for whose ass you'd like to kick?
That's not nice.

12. L is for last place you ate?
My kitchen

13. M is for marriage

15 1/2 really good years.

14. N is for your full name?
Loopy J. Clark

O is for overnight hospital stays?
MANY! 3 babies, surprise appendix, gall bladder, NOSE JOB...probably more

16. P is for people you were with today?
just the kids

17. Q is for quote?
Everything's better with glitter or "i could totally do that"

18. R is for biggest regret?
Dropping out of college, not pursuing my passion in college (whatever that would have been)

19. S is for superstition.
I have to say goodbye and I love you to everyone when they leave, or I'm afraid something bad will happen to them.

20. T is for time you woke up today?
6:50. 7:01. 7:09

21. U is for underwear you have on now?

22. V is for vegetable you love?
Edamamme, Cabbage,Broccoli, Spinach.

23. W is for worst habit?
Procrastination without a doubt (do you know all the things I should be doing now???)

24. X is for x-rays you've had?
Nose, arm, neck, teeth

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today?
A fuji apple. it was really good.

26. Z is for the zodiac

A is for


Email Marketing Yenta said...

KJo is a stalker too by the way.
"I could totally do that" was totally for

By the way, I personally think Addie looks the most like you, so there!

Can't wait to see you.

LJC said...

i want you and kjo to do an a to zed