Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Randoms

If you are a Facebooker, you must have seen these people writing these lists. Anyway, I got filled it out as well, and am publishing it here in an effort to keep Colic alive....

  1. Most people I know would describe me as outgoing, I’m actually pretty shy.
  2. The hardest part about raising teenagers has been in letting go, and letting them make decisions on their own. As taxing as the toddler and preschool years were, I miss the sweetness and innocence of that chapter of my life.
  3. The most profound moment in my life was giving birth to my first child. I just couldn’t believe I made a little person.
  4. If you call me and leave a message, there is a 60% chance I won’t return your call. It’s not that I don’t mean to, it’s just that I get distracted pretty easily, and before you know it…whoops, I forgot to call you back. Please know this now, and accept my apologies in advance.
  5. I tend to keep friendships at arms length. I’ve developed this as a defense mechanism over the years. I know a lot of people, but very few are part of my inner circle.
  6. I’ve written a blog for almost 2 years. I’m actually really proud of some of my essays.
  7. I played the trumpet and piano as a kid. As an adult, I took piano lessons for a year. I loved it so much, but had to stop with the lessons, because it was too hard to tear myself away from playing which was a total joy…but more important stuff wasn’t getting done…laundry, cooking, etc. I hope to take it up again when we’re empty nesters.
  8. I love Facebook, I love to have a link with people who I’d otherwise never have the opportunity to see.
  9. I’ve been in love only once. It’s been twenty years. And I still can’t get over the fact that he loves me back.
  10. I didn’t cry on my wedding day, when my babies were born or at the girls’ Bat Mitzvah, but I wept like a baby when I saw the video of my sister meeting her daughter in Taiwan for the very first time.
  11. I don’t know what I would do without my sister.
  12. My greatest regret is dropping out of college. My greatest fear is that I have set a bad example for my daughters.
  13. I really love the Goon-N-Plenty, the Keurig and the Swirl, Tap and Buff.
  14. I work at an overnight camp in the summer. I run the art program. I am so grateful for this job and for the experience. I love to nurture my creative spirit, I love to find new challenges. It is because of this job, that I have gained enough confidence in myself to embark on my graphic design studies.
  15. I still call my parents Mommy and Daddy. And I will not apologize for this.
  16. I talk to my parents and my sister at least once a day, but usually many more times than that.
  17. I don’t understand how I got to be 45 years old. That’s ridiculous.
  18. I love our new president; I don’t ever remember having the opportunity to witness GREATNESS. I’m so glad my kids are old enough to recognize that we are living through an enormously historic time. Plus, I can’t stop thinking about what it must be like for Sasha and Malia to live in the White House.
  19. I’m afraid if I don’t say goodbye, I won’t ever see you again. So I always say goodbye.
  20. I don’t really care about having fancy things. I wish I did sometimes, but I just don’t care.
  21. I had a nose job when I was 18 years old. I woke up in the middle of the operation and heard them sawing away. I don’t think I could ever have plastic surgery again. (Not that there aren’t plenty of areas for improvement!)
  22. When my husband comes home from work, I still get butterflies.
  23. I see different tiny piece of myself in each of my daughters, but mostly I can’t believe how different and unique they are, not only from me, but from each other as well.
  24. We wanted to give our daughters the best that we could offer, and I’m grateful that we can, but I worry, that one day, they will not have developed the coping skills one can gain from living through difficult times.
  25. I am truly grateful, I feel like I’ve been blessed with a magnificent husband, amazing kids, adoring family and loyal friends. And I still don’t know what I did to deserve such good fortune.


karen said...

Is there any way I can receive and invite to view your sisters blog - the blessing that is Lia. I followed it until she made it private and do not know how to contact her to ask for an invite. My e-mail is
Thank you so much

LJC said...

Karen, I sent you info over to wendi. :)

karen said...

Thanks so much Lori, we made contact and I am in!!! What a cutie Lia is.