Thursday, December 13, 2007


Is it okay to just be fine? Lately, I'm running into a lot of people, people from my past, people I once knew and know now and it has occurred to me, I'm really boring. At this point in life, people have so much baggage and drama! I have comfort and security (not that I'm complaining), but I feel a little like the odd man out.

"What have you been doing for the past 25 years?" I have (select what you like:) traveled around the world/married and divorced/ adopted from another country/received my masters and phd/ been a doctor - lawyer in space/ wrote and performed on my own cd/ learned how to play the guitar/ met fascinating people/ earned a lot of money/ lived independently/remarried/ refurbished a house/ left my career to seek my dreams/acted in community theatre/worked for a secret government agency/opened my own restaurant/have a huge social circle/moved to another state/ moved to another country/started my own charitable foundation/starred in an independent movie/found a cure for the common cold/gave birth to a child prodigy/ invented post-it notes/wrote a screenplay/bred weimereimers/kept up with my blog/all of the above.

I AM NOT COMPLAINING. I REPEAT - NOT COMPLAINING. But it almost feels like, "I got married, have three kids, 2 dogs, one fish and a mini-van/my laundry never gets done/I host Thanksgiving and Passover/never miss Project Runway and American Idol/go to summer camp/visit the Genuardi's twice a week/never miss a parent-teacher conference/make my kids buy their lunch instead of brown bagging it/keep up with my facebook" sounds just...I don't know, boring?

To be honest, though, this is everything I every wanted. I don't set the world on fire, but there is dinner on the table every night, security, comfort, a bundle of I LOVE YOU's every day and a little teenaged aggravation to spice it up.

Frankly, I feel like I'm living proof of happily ever after.


Daniella said...

So not boring!!!

Email Marketing Yenta said...

First off, I think it is really cute that Daniella commented before me.

I don't think you are boring at all....we all have the choice to live our life the way we choice. It's the freedom we have. (thank god) You have everything you wanted, and the big secret is, if you decide you want something else to add to this have the freedom to do so. You are amazing. Add to the list...greatest sister, dear daughter, fantastic friend, wonderful wife and soon to be aunt of a special girlie.....xo

Susan said...

Trust me, my dear Lori, I've got more than a fair share of drama queens and party girls in my little social circle...and every dang one of them desperately wants what you've got!!!