Because I go with them to camp in the summer, I have had little experience not being nearby my daughters. And now, Syd's on an airplane, and I'm just holding my breath that she'll arrive safely, not to mention warmly (it's COLD!!). As parents, we have to raise our children to be independent, and self sufficient so that adulthood doesn't knock them to the ground. As much as I want her to stay with me this weekend, I'm excited that she's having her very own adventure without me.
In other news, I found a pair of shoes for the bat mitzvah. I know that doesn't sound so momentous, but with my wide flat (aka) Fred Flintstone feet, finding shoes that fit is a major accomplishment. Anyway, this is a picture of them, they are going to be dyed to match the dress...but this is them in white. The material is a bridal satin-y stuff. BTW, did you know you can spend $300 plus on a pair of dyeable shoes? I cannot even imagine. I did not spend $300. on the shoes, naturally, but I got really nice service at Best Foot Forward in Cherry Hill. They were able to stretch the shoes so that they would be more comfy, and they are also going to take a sliver off the heel, to make them a little less difficult to walk in.
Are these shoes my favorite things ever??? Not a chance, but they fit, they will match when dyed, and it's now one less thing on my ever growing list of things to do.
Wendi, do think these will be okay? Please say yes, because they don't take returns!!!

Do you think I should post a pic of the dress? Or should I leave that as a surprise????
I am so proud of you ...I'm glad that Sydney is having a big adventure...
I think the shoes are nice...and will the damn dresss....I've already seen and no one else besides a few are invited to the big event.
Love the shoes - very pretty. Post the dress! I can only imagine how hard it is to have your girl away but your right, we right them to be independent. I'm sure she's going to have a blast. Happy Friday!
I want to see the dress ... but I really like the shoes! And, comfy ... that is all that matters really. Nothing worse than being miserable in uncomfortable shoes... just not worth it!
Syd is going to have a great weekend. I am so thankful that I was able to have "independent weekends" growing up... and, although I am not yet a mommy, I hope I can give those experiences to my kids someday. My mom gave them to me... and I am really thankful! xoxo
I actually really like the shoes, but now I keep imagining them on Fred Flintsone.
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