Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm Back, I think

I haven't been writing, cause I haven't felt like it. Life is complex, parenting is complex, and I'm not always in a good "bloggy" kind of mood.

But I realized today, if Susan (Wendi's friend) can be blogging from Russia while adopting her (beautiful) little girl, I can find I few minutes in my kitchen to say a few words.

Latest news in my life:
I joined the gym. I hate it, but I love my husband, so I'll show up now and then.
Bat Mitzvah is nearing, I'm getting nervous, but I'm so excited. The girls are starting to step up to the plate.
Half of my family has now decided to be vegetarians. Whoo hoo. Dinner's are going to be fun to cook.
Nutri-System gets really old after a few months.
I found my old pal, from high school, Sue. We'd lost touch years ago, and I found her by way of youtube. Boy, 25 can melt in an instant when talking to someone so dear.
Facebook is my latest obsession.
I organized all of our cd's and dvd's so now we can find them.
Cleaned out the freezer yesterday. Found year old roast beef. Can't serve it anyway cause I'm living in a house of vegetarians.
Found amazing video of Lionel Hampton featuring dear "Uncle" Milt Buckner. I can't get over it. Milt is the piano player practically jumping out of his seat. He was a fixture in my childhood, staying with us when in the Philly area, and always as warm and loving as can be. I don't think I ever understood, until very recently, what an extraordinary talent he was, and how privileged we were to have him in our life. He died in 1977 (I think), and although we weren't related by blood, I will always remember him as part of our family.


Email Marketing Yenta said...

glad u are back ...the shish

Susan said...

I'm so glad if I helped inspire you to keep blogging! Doesn't it feel good to actually articulate this stuff and put it out there once in a while?
Plus, as I know from creativity coaching, nothing begets writing like just...writing!

(And ok, I like having something fun to read!)