Saturday, May 12, 2007

Colic Was Easier

Okay, this is a new blog, compliments of my sister, Wendi ( I was lamenting last week that now that my daughters are post diaper, nursing, preschool, sippy cup, cheerios, I am now faced with a whole host of new concerns. Boys, for one, friends, peer pressure, school, MySpace, Ipods, Cell Phones, Text Messaging, staying up late, staying up late and text messaging and then going on MySpace, sleepovers...I could go on and on. My most current state of mind is, "wow, colic was easier". Sure, they kept you up all night crying, and it was frustrating, and nothing seemed to help, and it seemed like it would never end; but looking back, it was a time of innocence. We were young parents, trying to be perfect, to do the right thing, and we had this little person who we had a lot of control over. She wore what I picked out, we went to the places mommy and daddy picked. We were never bored, because sometimes just staring at each other was the most exciting part of the day. We had this whole future to imagine. Was she going to be sporty or girlie, tall, short, smart, silly, friendly? Would she be the things I never was? Would she like gym class? Would she be good in math? Would she have a flat stomach and thin thighs? Would she pick up her clothes and not leave them on the floor when she is 14? Would she be tall? Would she be able to turn a cartwheel? Would she be the things I was? Would she love silly showtunes and theatre? Would she like art? Would she be a good sister? Would she have wonderful friends that she treasured? Would she find a wonderful husband? (I did by the way.)

Anyway, this is a new beginning in my life. I now have a teen. Actually three girls, ages 13 1/2, 12 and 6. I'm in up to my elbows, and I'm looking for a handbook. I just don't get to the bookstore that much. I thought journaling my own journey might help me open my eyes. Maybe this blog can be the good friend that's always there, always there to listen. That's why I'm doing this.

I dare not "advertise" this amongst my family and children. I don't want their privacy intruded upon. This is about them, but more about me, and how I deal with motherhood. Quite fitting, I'm sure that tomorrow is Mother's Day.

So for right now, that's it.


P.S. I love you Wendi.