Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where Have I Been?

I must admit, there are several reasons why I'm not blogging with the gusto that I used to. It makes me really sad, actually, because my blog served as not only a journal of my life, but a true creative outlet for my writing.

When I first started blogging, my daughters were just entering their teen years, on the cusp, if you will. And as they say, the older your children get, the bigger the problems become.

My girls are really pretty good kids. I'm sure my challenges are shared by many other moms and dads in the world. Writing has always been therapeutic for me. I seem to be able to make sense out of my jumbled mind when I see my thoughts written in black and white. But I want to respect their privacy. Writing here doesn't certainly doesn't give them that respect.

I have considered making this blog private, but I still wouldn't feel comfortable sharing certain aspects of our life.

So I've been skirting around the issue. I can post without "naming names" or giving painful details. I just can't post as often.

But I don't want to give up on my blog. I'm actually very proud of it.

So that's where I've been...